15th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 5th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing 2016 Congress in conjunction with 53rd Annual Congress of Indian Academy of Pediatrics Call for Abstract | ACCYPN

15th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 5th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing 2016 Congress in conjunction with 53rd Annual Congress of Indian Academy of Pediatrics Call for Abstract

Tuesday, 15th September 2015

International Nursing Delegate – http://www.apcppedicon2016.in/abstract-international.html

Important Dates:

30th October 2015
Abstract submission closes: Any abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted. We encourage you to send your abstract(s) well in advance to avoid a last minute rush.

2nd November 2015
Notification of abstract submission result.

31st December 2015
Accepted abstract presenter preregistration deadline. Presenters of accepted abstracts must pre-register for APCP PEDICON 2016 before this date.

Abstract Contents

1. Adolescent Pediatrics (ADOL)
2. Allergy & Applied Immunology (ALGYNIMM)
3. Cardiology (CARD)
4. Child Abuse & Neglect (CANCL)
5. Child Psychology & Psychiatry (PSY)
6. Community Pediatrics (COM PED)
7. Dermatology (DERM)
8. Developmental Pediatrics (DEVP)
9. Disability (DISA)
10. Emergency Medicine & Acute Care (EMG)
11. Endocrinology (ENDO)
12. Environment & Child Health (ECH)
13. Gastrointestinal Tract & Hepatology (GIT&H)
14. Genetics & Metabolic Disorders (GEN)
15. Growth & Development (GWTH)
16. Hematology & Oncology (HO)
17. Infant & Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
18. Infectious Diseases (INF)
19. Intensive Care (IC)
20. Neonatology (NEO)
21. Nephrology (NEPH)
22. Neurology (NEU)
23. Nutrition (NUT)
24. Orthopedics (ORTHO)
25. Respiratory (Pulmonology) (PULM)
26. Rheumatology (RHEU)
27. Surgery & Urology (PED SURG)
28. Others (OTH)



All abstract must be written in English. Please write as simply as possible and avoid language mistakes.

Number of Authors

Four authors are allowed for an abstract (Abstract Presenter +3 co-authors). The presenting author will by default be listed first and he/she will also be the contact author. It is mandatory to furnish the presenter’s full name and professional address. The affiliation of all authors must be entered.

Word Count

The abstract text should not contain more than 3000 characters / 250 words approx. The software will not let you type/ paste beyond this word limit.


Abstract should be written in desired fields and the fonts will be selected by the system automatically.


Abstract should not contain any tables.


No images, graphs or illustrations are allowed in the abstract.

Spelling and Grammar

It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract . Any error in spelling,grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.


The topic / theme is the general heading under which your submitted abstract will be reviewed  and later published in the congress  printed materials if accepted. Please choose the topic/theme which best describes the subject of your abstract . However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on final assignment upon abstract selection.


  • Do not begin sentences with numerals. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition.
  • Introduction/Background/Hypothesis: Indiactes the purpose and objective of the research, the hypothesis that was tested or adescription of the problem being anaiyzed or evaluated.
  • Aims & Objectives:
  • Material & Method: Describes the setting/location for the study, study design, study population, data collection and methods of analysis used.
  • Result & Discussion: Present asclearly as possible the findings/outcome of the study, with specific results in summarized form.
  • Conclusion: Under this you should give an answe to the hypothesis in light of your study. You should beable to state clear conclusions rather that “Just say the result will be presented later on.”

Kindly Note:- Please complete this form together with your abstract (in word document) to scientific Committee. The Asia Pacific Nurses Association at email- 5apcpn@gmail.com

Download Abstract Form :

Click here

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