“Growing up” with FASD: Developing a RICHER Approach | ACCYPN

“Growing up” with FASD: Developing a RICHER Approach

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Non-Member Price: $55.00

Presenter: Dr Christine Lock

Organisation British Columbia Childrens Hospital

Date Presented 25/10/18

The root causes of FASD are common, costly and complex. Prevention and treatment require building trust, respect, understanding, compassion and hope. In the past 3 decades of work in Canada, we have developed intersectoral policies, and enacted interdisciplinary best practices, that have demonstrated effectiveness in more disenfranchised populations of children and youth. We are now engaged in international research on the developmental origins of health and disease, DOHAD, and the promotion of clinical diagnostic services to better address the health needs of adults living with FASD. Keynote Learning Objectives: 1) Define the scope and prevalence of FASD worldwide, 2) Discuss health promotion and prevention strategies (eg universal, selective and indicated screening, harm reduction, treatment and earlier interventions), 3 )Describe Social Pediatric ‘RICHER’ approaches (e.g. context, mechanisms and outcomes) for engaging with more vulnerable communities, 4) Describe clinical features and discuss patient centered outcomes and health priorities expressed by adults with FASD.