Promoting person-centred practice within children’s hospital services through the use of key performance indicators: an international study | ACCYPN

Promoting person-centred practice within children’s hospital services through the use of key performance indicators: an international study

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Presenter: Ms Susan  Dyer1, Ms Kathryn  Coombe1, Ms Val Wilson2, Ms Tanya McCance3

1Women’s and Children’s Health Network, North Adelaide, Australia, 2University of Technology Sydney; Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, Sydney, Australia, 3University of Ulster, Ulster, United Kingdom

 Date of presentation: 28th October 2016



The Paediatric International Nursing Study (PINS) focuses on the measurement of eight core Nursing & Midwifery key performance indicators (KPIs) to support the development of person centred nursing in paediatric settings. A medical ward within a tertiary paediatric hospital was one of 12 participating children’s hospitals. The aims are to:

  • Implement KPI’s and use the outcomes to benchmark Children’s Hospital services internationally.
  1. Establish how the KPIs can be used to support staff in using evidence to inform their practice and in undertaking localised practice change and innovation
  2. Collaboration with consumers to achieve a person centred model of paediatric care.


Data collection included both qualitative and quantitative methodologies such as surveys, patient stories, observations of practice, review of records and interviews with staff. Data is collected, analysed and fed back to staff over a 10 week period.


Three 10 week data collection cycles have been completed over the last two years with each cycle generating an action plan which has been developed, implemented and audited by ward staff. The action plans have primarily focused on improvements for KPI 1 (consistent delivery of information to patient/parent) and KPI 8 (understanding what is important to the patient and family). Actions have included the increased use of whiteboards in patient rooms and improving compliance with bedside handover at all shift times.


The Person Centred KPI methodology has now been implemented in other acute ward areas to support person centred practice development. A fourth data collection cycle will commence in April.